I see my star in the sky
It has no place in the sky
It seems to me that on the earth
To be isn’t so easy.
Song was left at my home
Shadow was left at my home
You are sure to know that you’re going away
Has left the place.
I’d like to be painter
But if I can’t paint
Plead God to give me a power
To tell you my word.
You hear my song
You leaving my room
Now I can tell you
That Nobody needs me.
SemTxveviTi varskvlavi.
me vxedav caze Cems varskvlavs
am varskvlavs ar aqvs adgili
me meCveneba, rom arc miwaze
ar yofila yofna advili.
Cems saxlSi darCa simRera
Cems saxlSi darCa aCrdili
ar SeiZleba icode rom dRes
Seni wasvliT darCa adgili
me minda viyo mxatvari
da Tu xatvas ver SevZlebdi
vTxovdi RmerTs, rom SemaZlebina
meTqva SenTvis Cemi saTqmeli.
Sen gesmis Cemi simRera
bnel oTaxs Cumad scildebi
me axla SemiZlia erTi vTqva
rom albaT aRaravis vWirdebi.